Month: July 2023

  • ASD Receives Priceless Artifacts from Family of Co-Founder – We-Ha | West Hartford News

    ASD Receives Priceless Artifacts from Family of Co-Founder – We-Ha | West Hartford News

    Members of the Clerk family at a reception. Courtesy photo The American School for the Deaf in West Hartford has accepted a donation of priceless artifacts from the family of the school’s co-founder. Submitted  The American School for the Deaf (ASD) is honored to share news that they are the recent recipients of a generous…

  • The Autism Dad

    The Autism Dad

    Juggling the demands of children and elderly parents is tough. Both generations need care and finding the right balance can lead to a lot of strain on the generation caught in between. If you are caught up trying to take care of elderly parents who can no longer cope as well, while raising a young family,…

  • Is Autism a Superpower? | Psychology Today

    Is Autism a Superpower? | Psychology Today

    Source: Golden Dayz/Shutterstock There are many narratives with regards to autism. Some people view it as a disease to be cured. Some view it as a childhood disorder that should be treated away. Autism advocates and many autistic people prefer to look at it as a superpower; we dislike narratives that paint us as diseased…

  • Meet Trent, a talented artist with autism who takes requests of things to draw | Boing Boing

    Meet Trent, a talented artist with autism who takes requests of things to draw | Boing Boing

    I love this Instagram page—”Drawings by Trent,” which features Trent Landreth, an artist who creates drawings of funny animals typically holding things or doing things. Trent also has autism, and he and his family use his social media and his drawings to raise awareness about autism, to help Trent share his art, and to raise…

  • Partner selection may amplify rare variants in children | Spectrum | Autism Research News

    Partner selection may amplify rare variants in children | Spectrum | Autism Research News

    Similar spouses: Partners who share related psychiatric traits also tend to carry similar amounts of rare genetic variants. romankosolapov / Adobe Stock Partners who share similar traits of a given condition, such as autism, may concentrate rare genetic variants in their children, increasing the likelihood of having a child with that condition, according to a…

  • Why can’t we talk about the evidence that vaccines cause autism?

    Why can’t we talk about the evidence that vaccines cause autism?

    Let’s take the highest quality studies on both sides and critically examine them and see which hypothesis is more likely to fit all the high quality data. Why won’t the other side engage in a dialog? STEVE KIRSCH Share Executive summary It’s baffling to me that most scientists, when put to the task of looking…

  • Paper-tearing soothes this Wisconsin man with autism. It has also made him an artist

    Paper-tearing soothes this Wisconsin man with autism. It has also made him an artist

    Amy Schwabe   Milwaukee Journal Sentinel In the children’s book “Grant, the Eco-Friendly Artist,” a young child is hyperfocused on tearing paper. The book says that Grant “would draw, paint, and tear paper for hours and hours, over and over!” Combined with Grant’s fear of loud noises and aversion to schedule changes, the paper-tearing is…

  • People with Autism Finding a Lifeline with ChatGPT

    People with Autism Finding a Lifeline with ChatGPT

    Image by Kindel Media via Have you heard all the rage? ChatGPT is making headlines across a huge array of topics. From kids using it to complete homework assignments to folks worried about losing their job because of it. ChatGPT is a force that is not likely to slow down anytime soon. I previously…

  • Discover High Point: the First Certified Autism Destination on the East Coast

    Discover High Point: the First Certified Autism Destination on the East Coast

    High Point, North Carolina, is renowned for its furniture market but has recently achieved another significant milestone. It has become the first certified autism destination on the East Coast. This recognition highlights the city’s commitment to providing inclusive and accessible experiences for individuals on the autism spectrum and their families. In this article, we will…

  • Mutation in top autism-linked gene may alter eye reflex | Spectrum | Autism Research News

    Mutation in top autism-linked gene may alter eye reflex | Spectrum | Autism Research News

    Reflex reversal: Counteracting the effects of an SCN2A mutation in the mouse cerebellum (left) helps restore the eye reflex in adolescent mice. An altered eye reflex may distinguish children with mutations in SCN2A, one of the genes most strongly linked to autism, according to a new preprint. The simple test the researchers used to analyze…