The Autism Dad

In this heartfelt episode, I sit down with my 23-year-old autistic son, Gavin, for a deeply personal conversation. We delve into his aspirations, hopes, and vision for independence. Gavin’s insights not only shed light on his unique journey but also resonate universally, offering inspiration to all. Join us as we uncover the profound meaning of independence from Gavin’s perspective and celebrate the milestones, big and small, that shape his path

About Rob Gorski and The Autism Dad podcast:

Rob Gorski is a single Dad to three amazing autistic boys and the Founder and CEO of The Autism Dad, LLC. Multiple award-winning blogger, podcaster, content creator, social media influencer, and respected public figure for well over a decade.

Connect with Rob Gorski:

Today’s Sponsors

Meerkat Village

Being a special needs parent often requires a superhuman ability to manage a ton of different things all at once. Between work, school, doctor appointments, therapies, our own self-care, and everything else life can throw at us, it can be tough to manage all these things. Don’t even get me started on trying to keep everyone communicating with each other. That’s where Meerkat Village can help.

They say it takes a village and this is especially true for special needs families. Meerkat Village is a platform for android and iOS that helps to keep everyone in your village communicating and coordinating their efforts to support your child. Whether you’re tracking your child’s progress at school or brainstorming new strategies to help with behavioral concerns, Meerkat Village keeps everyone connected, and on the same page. It’s all done inside one, easy-to-use, HIPAA and FERPA-compliant app.

For more information, visit 

Kinjo transforms Roblox from mere gaming to a valuable learning platform. Aiming to make each gaming moment both fun and educational, Kinjo provides expert-reviewed content through seamless integration with a child’s Roblox account. Games undergo rigorous evaluation by specialists, with top-rated ones receiving a ‘Flames’ rating for their educational quality. While playing, children earn Kinjo Coins, turning in-game accomplishments into tangible rewards. While kids enjoy the engaging content, parents gain insight into their child’s gaming activities. Beyond being an app, Kinjo represents a leap in educational gaming, blending entertainment with deep learning. The basic version is free, with a premium Kinjo Plus option offering added benefits.

Explore the future of gaming at and get a 10% discount on Kinjo Plus with code “theautismdad”.

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This content was originally published here.



