ALL GHOULS GALA 2023 for Autism Care Today was on Saturday, October 28, 2023. We had a spooktacular evening with frights, fun, and fabulous costumes at our haunted gathering.
Lending Your Voice Honorees: Dr. Temple Grandin, Joe Mantegna and Areva Martin, Esq.
The All Ghouls Gala honored special guests with the “Lending Your Voice” award. This award goes to a person, entity, or work of art that has elevated the conversation of what it means to be differently abled, and those who uphold the belief that “different” is never “less.”
This year’s class of honorees includes Dr. Temple Grandin, Joe Mantegna and Areva Martin, Esq. Each has been an outspoken advocate for the rights of individuals on the spectrum. Dr. Grandin is an international speaker and award-winning author. Her early life was the subject of the Emmy Award-winning HBO film, Temple Grandin. As a young autistic woman, she broke down gender and neurodiversity barriers in the cattle industry to rise and become an internationally renowned expert in the design of meat processing plants. Dr. Grandin is a full professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University. She balances her time between teaching, writing award-winning books, and traveling the world to let others know about like and work on the spectrum.
Joe Mantegna is an award-winning actor best known for his roles on Criminal Minds, The Godfather, Searching for Bobby Fischer, and his Emmy-nominated portrayal of Dean Martin in HBO’s film, The Rat Pack. He is also beloved for his performance of “Fat Tony” on the Simpsons and as the dying father of a young man on the spectrum in the critically acclaimed series, As We See It. As a father to two talented young daughters, one who is on the spectrum, Joe has been an outspoken advocate and tireless ally to those on the spectrum.
Areva Martin, Esq. is an award-winning civil rights attorney, media personality, autism advocate, author, and entrepreneur. She is known for her pioneering work at the intersection of autism and social justice. She is Founder and President of the Special Needs Network, and as such has raised millions of dollars for autism and related causes. Notably, Areva Martin has successfully launched California’s first-ever comprehensive medical and developmental center at the Jacqueline Avant Child and Family Center. She is the host of Areva Martin in Real Time on KBLA 1580, the only Black-owned and operated drivetime national news and podcast network in the United States.
Autism Care Today is a national nonprofit501(c) (3) organization whose mission is to raise awareness and provide treatment services and support to families to help their children with autism achieve their full potential. Your donation will help children find their voice using communication devices, ensure their safety by installing fencing around their homes, pay for their invaluable therapy copays and so much more. Proceeds from our fundraiser will go directly to grants for families affected by autism.
Prevalence: The CDC estimates that 1 in 36 children in the United States has
an Autism Spectrum Diagnosis. Every child with a diagnosis is part of a
FACT: Supporting an individual with autism spectrum disorder costs a family
$60,000 a year on average. The cost of lifelong care can be reduced by 2/3 with
early diagnosis and intervention. According to a recent study, the lifetime costs of
autism average $1.4 million to $2.4 million.
ACT helps families to be able to afford treatment, services, and support they might not
otherwise be able to afford. Families are able to request a grant for what their individual
need is.
FACT: Being nonverbal at age 4 does not mean that a child with autism will never
speak. Research shows that, with early treatment and support, most will learn to
use words and nearly half will learn to speak fluently.
ACT provides grants for co-pays so a family can maximize their insurance benefits toward
fostering vocal and non-vocal communication.
FACT: Children with autism are 160 times more likely to drown than typical
children. Therefore, it is critical to teach them to swim and to utilize intensive
safety measures when water is nearby.
ACT gives grants to families for safety equipment including fences, pool, window, and door
alarms as well as tuition for swimming lessons.
FACT: Each person with autism spectrum disorder is a unique individual; people
with ASD differ as much from one another as do all people. Children and adults
with ASD may speak or interact with others. They may have good eye contact.
They may be verbal or non-verbal. They may be very bright, of average
intelligence or have cognitive deficits.
ACT give grants to families for what they request. One family may need an iPad, another
might request help with camp tuition, and someone else might need help paying for an
assistance animal specially trained to detect seizures. The needs are not one size fits all and
neither are the grants.
Autism is more common than juvenile diabetes, pediatric AIDS and pediatric cancer combined. Early and intense therapies have been proven to be effective yet most children go without due to financial restraints. Autism Care Today fills a necessary gap by providing assistance for these children today to ensure they have a better tomorrow.
Since 2005, Autism Care Today has distributed more than $1.85 Million in grants of up to $5,000 to more than 1,562 families with autism. As our organization has grown, so has our ability to provide assistance. In 2011, Autism Care Today began distributing grants quarterly. Autism Care Today’s Quarterly Assistance Program provides families with real help by directly paying their child’s service provider for services they would otherwise not be able to afford. Areas of support include but are not limited to: Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy, speech and occupational therapy, bio-medical testing, supplements, assistive technologies (i.e.- iPad, communication apps), safety equipment (such as safety fencing, GPS tracking devices and autism service dogs), social skills groups, special needs summer camps, and many more.
Autism Care Today grants are designed to provide access to individuals and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders. Grant payments will be made directly to pre-approved treatment providers, assessors or materials vendors.
The post ALL GHOULS GALA 2023 for Autism Care Today appeared first on We Said Go Travel.
This content was originally published here.