Category: Autism News

  • Is IEP or 504 better for autism?

    Is IEP or 504 better for autism?

    Is IEP or 504 better for autism? Choosing between an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and a 504 Plan for a child with autism can be a significant decision for parents and educators. Both are designed to provide support and accommodations to students with disabilities, but they operate under different laws and have unique features. An…

  • Excessive Blinking in Children with Autism

    Excessive Blinking in Children with Autism

    Do you ever watch your child with autism begin to blink excessively? Well, you’re not alone. Many parents are puzzled by this behavior. Understanding the nature of autism blinking is crucial in providing support and assistance. Excessive blinking can manifest in various forms and intensities among individuals on the spectrum, making it a complex issue.…

  • Leave No One Behind: Why Transportation Matters for People Living with Autism –

    Leave No One Behind: Why Transportation Matters for People Living with Autism –

    I received my autism diagnosis at the age of three and have since devoted a substantial part of my life to adapting to my disability while advocating for others facing similar challenges. As the son of Argentinian immigrants, my journey includes the struggles of my parents navigating the intricate world of social services agencies and…

  • Do Autism or ADHD Have a Neural Signature?

    Do Autism or ADHD Have a Neural Signature?

    Autism Do Autism or ADHD Have a Neural Signature? Alterations in neural connections as potential biomarkers of neurodivergence. Posted February 5, 2024 | Reviewed by Davia Sills Key points The default mode network refers to the pattern of activity and connectivity in the brain when at rest. Differences in default mode network connectivity have been…

  • Autism and the Triratna Buddhist Community (Part 4)

    Autism and the Triratna Buddhist Community (Part 4)

    Autism and the Triratna Buddhist Community (Part 4) On Sun, 4 February, 2024 – 15:34 We are back with Ratnaguna and Prajnanandi in the final of our four-part interview series on Autism and the Triratna Buddhist Community. We shift our focus from the challenges faced by neurodiverse individuals within our Buddhist centres to celebrating the…

  • Boy sweetly consoles crying classmate with autism on first day of school

    Boy sweetly consoles crying classmate with autism on first day of school

    According to the Nationwide Children’s. “The term Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers to a complex neurodevelopmental condition. Its presentation varies for each individual, but primarily, it affects communication and social interactions between a child and their caregivers, peers, and/or teachers. It also impacts the way the child thinks and behaves.” Simply put, they see and…

  • Autism Social Worker: How They Can Help

    Autism Social Worker: How They Can Help

    Have you ever struggled with setting up appointments for doctors, therapists, or insurance for your child on the autism spectrum? Does that leave you concerned about what will happen to them when you can no longer advocate for them? That’s where an autism social worker comes into play. Whether it’s making sure those with an…

  • Why vaccination uptake matters to the autism community

    Why vaccination uptake matters to the autism community

    With the recent outbreak of measles in California (and spreading elsewhere), we are seeing a lot of new coverage of vaccine related questions. We are also seeing a number of vaccine antagonistic individuals and groups showing that they are, well, antagonistic towards vaccines. There is no surprise that much of the antagonism towards vaccines is…

  • Scientists find important cause of autism

    Scientists find important cause of autism

    A team of researchers, including experts from Northwestern University, has made a significant discovery about how our brains develop. They found out that a certain genetic factor can cause our brain to make fewer connections at a very important time when our brain is growing. This discovery is crucial because these connections, known as synapses,…

  • Genomic “butterfly effect” explains risk for autism spectrum disorder

    Genomic “butterfly effect” explains risk for autism spectrum disorder

    Researchers in the RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS) examined the genetics of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by analyzing mutations in the genomes of individuals and their families. They discovered that a special kind of genetic mutation works differently from typical mutations in how it contributes to the condition. In essence, because of the three-dimensional…