From Para to Teacher: My Story – The Autism Helper

It was 2016, and I had just had my rainbow baby, Benjamin.  If you are unfamiliar with the term “Rainbow Baby”, it is a baby that is born after a loss of a pregnancy or infant.  I was the happiest I had ever been and so in love with being a mom.  My plans were to go back to work in August and apply for the Occupational Therapist program near me.  

Later, I decided it was going to be the best decision for my new family and began the steps necessary to be considered for the teaching position.  By July, I had officially been hired as a special education teacher and was told I would be teaching the kindergarten self-contained class at the school I was familiar with.

Being hired as a teacher on an emergency credential meant that I needed to enroll in a credential program immediately.  This meant I was headed back to school while being a new mom and a new teacher.  My first session of the credentialing program went great and I felt confident that it was all going to be okay. And then back-to-school season began. 

Now, going from para to teacher in the same program was a lot harder than I thought it would be.  There was nothing that could have prepared me for what this school year would bring. 

Shortly after going from para to teacher, I found myself overwhelmed with motherhood, school, and being a new teacher.  I was sinking into depression.  I was not prepared for the workload that being a new teacher brought and I was also a new mom.  And to be honest, I hated the job.  I wanted to quit. 

It is now my eighth year as a teacher and mother.  Each year, I feel myself grow more and more and find myself becoming more at peace with my transition from para to teacher.  Now, I coach new teachers and I get to share my classroom with the world.  

My storyof going from para to teacher is not perfect or easy – it is quite literally the most difficult time in my life.  But, I am thankful for the struggles, the hard work, and the depression. These led me to find my true self and my true friends. I also found all of you.  And I cannot imagine doing anything else other than teaching.

If you find yourself struggling on your path, I want you to remember that you can make it.  Take things one day at a time.  And if you need extra motivation today, read this post by me. Thanks for reading!

This content was originally published here.



