God, Can You Hear My non-Speaking Voice? A lot is said in Silence… #Autism #AutismAwareness #Faithbased #SoulSearching

. HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! As you’ve seen, it hasn’t been a year of many blog posts for BB. If one’s heart isn’t in it, it shouldn’t be shared. Pero, this post fills Babushka’s corazon completely, on so many levels. First, it’s about a child with Autism. La Princesa, BB’s granddaughter extraordinaire, is on the Autism spectrum. Secondly, it’s written by a dear amiga, Christine Goulbourne. We go back many lunas, and her love and life as a madre of a non-speaking child has been many a conversation and concern. A dedicated advocate, Christine has worked in the public and private sector about special needs children. It was on a blogger convention that we met. BB with her Baile, and Christine with Sensory Friends. https://www.sensoryfriends.com/ 1. Your book is based on your son Ritchie. Tell us a little about the inspiration for this book. The book “God, Can You Hear My-Nonspeaking Voice,” is inspired by my son Richie who is this great 21-year-old guy who has autism. Richie is charming, funny, and incredibly smart, and even though he is non-reliably speaking (because he does have some words he uses efficiently), he gets his message across. Richie and I recite the Lord’s Prayer every night together. It took some time, but he learned it and says it quite well. 2. What do you hope people feel/will take from this book? Praying with and listening to Richie pray each night is a remarkable thing to witness. It made me realize that parents can try to teach their sons and daughters who have autism or any disability how to pray to our wonderful God. It’s a beautiful way to bond spiritually and develop your relationship with God together. Even if your child or adult son or daughter cannot speak out loud, who can prove that they will not memorize or learn what is prayed every evening? For families like mine who have struggled with going to an in-person service because of access, acceptance, or sensitivity as a barrier, it’s difficult to hold on to religious customs and traditions. Even if worshiping the Good Lord in person is not possible at this time, knowing that God hears us all, knows our hearts, still loves us, and gives us His grace, may inspire families to worship online together or simply come together in daily or nightly prayer. “God, if you can hear my non-speaking voice, I want to go to church with my family. ” God, Can You Hear My Non-Speaking Voice? 3. How do you see the future for those on the autistic spectrum? I see the autistic community continuing to make progress across all legislative fronts. They have become efficient and result-producing advocates for improving community inclusion and increasing employment opportunities. These are among the many issues that the autistic community is actively advocating for on behalf of their community and the disability community overall. I see growth and as an integrationist, I believe these are issues for which we all should take an active role. 4. Are there more books in the future? Yes, I’m excited to share that there is a series of children’s books I am working on, and the first is about to be published! In the new year, I am going to release, “The Rabbit in the Window,” a book about a rabbit with autism, who at first, is reluctant to make friends with two other forest animals. In time, they learn about each other and become the best of friends. Like other books in this new series, all the stories celebrate and teach acceptance and inclusion. They illustrate that there are friendships of all kinds that may be different because of how you play, communicate, and share things with new friends with disabilities. Then you find out that the differences don’t change what you still have in common. It doesn’t change the laughter and fun to be had as friends. Children will learn they are more alike than different and that friendship is just friendship. “God, if you can hear my non-speaking voice, I want to make friends.” God, Can You Hear My Non-Speaking Voice? For understanding, encouragement, heartfelt sentiment, BB can’t recommend this book enough. Cuidensen.

This content was originally published here.



