In the Autism Partnership Method Shaping Involves a Level of Which of the Following?

In the Autism Partnership Method, shaping involves a level of reinforcement, prompting, and fading. This method is used to teach new skills and behaviors to individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. Through shaping, individuals gradually learn and master new skills, leading to increased independence and improved overall functioning.

Shaping is a behavior modification technique that relies on positive reinforcement to shape desired behaviors. It involves reinforcing successive approximations towards a target behavior until the desired behavior is achieved. In the context of the Autism Partnership Method, shaping is used to teach individuals with ASD new skills that they may be struggling with, such as social interactions, communication, self-help skills, or academic tasks.

The first step in shaping involves identifying the target behavior or skill that the individual needs to learn. This could be something as simple as making eye contact, using words to request an item, or engaging in pretend play. Once the target behavior is identified, the instructor breaks it down into smaller, more achievable steps. This allows the individual to experience success and reinforcement at each step along the way.

Reinforcement is a crucial component of shaping. It involves providing positive consequences, such as praise, tokens, or preferred items, to increase the likelihood that the individual will engage in the desired behavior again in the future. In shaping, reinforcement is provided for each successive approximation towards the target behavior. For example, if the target behavior is using words to request an item, the individual might initially be reinforced for making any vocalization, then for making sounds resembling the word, and finally for saying the word itself.

Prompting is another important aspect of shaping. It involves providing cues or hints to help the individual perform the desired behavior. Prompting can take various forms, such as physical guidance, verbal instructions, or visual cues. In the early stages of shaping, more intrusive prompts may be used to help the individual, gradually fading them over time as the individual becomes more independent and proficient in the target behavior.

Fading refers to the gradual reduction or removal of prompts as the individual becomes more skilled in performing the target behavior. This allows the individual to gain independence and generalize the behavior across different settings and situations. Fading prompts is done systematically, ensuring that the individual is successful at each step before moving on to the next level of prompting.

The Autism Partnership Method recognizes that every individual with ASD is unique and may require individualized shaping procedures based on their specific needs and abilities. The method emphasizes a positive and supportive teaching environment, where the individual feels motivated and successful in their learning journey.


Q: How long does it take to shape a behavior using the Autism Partnership Method?
A: The time it takes to shape a behavior can vary depending on the complexity of the behavior and the individual’s learning abilities. Some behaviors may be shaped relatively quickly, while others may require more time and repetition.

Q: Is shaping only used for teaching new skills?
A: Shaping can be used not only for teaching new skills but also for increasing the frequency or duration of existing behaviors. For example, it can be used to shape longer periods of eye contact or to increase the number of words used during a conversation.

Q: Can shaping be used for all individuals with autism?
A: Shaping can be an effective teaching method for individuals with autism of all ages and functioning levels. However, the specific procedures and strategies used may vary depending on the individual’s unique needs and abilities.

Q: Is reinforcement always necessary in shaping?
A: Yes, reinforcement is a critical component of shaping. It helps to strengthen and maintain the desired behavior over time. Without reinforcement, the individual may not be motivated to continue engaging in the target behavior.

Q: Can shaping be used in conjunction with other teaching methods?
A: Yes, shaping can be used in combination with other teaching methods, such as discrete trial training or naturalistic teaching approaches. The choice of teaching method depends on the individual’s needs and learning style.

In conclusion, shaping is a fundamental component of the Autism Partnership Method, which aims to teach individuals with autism new skills and behaviors. Through reinforcement, prompting, and fading, individuals gradually learn and master complex tasks, leading to increased independence and improved overall functioning. Shaping is a flexible and individualized approach that can be adapted to the unique needs and abilities of each individual with autism.

This content was originally published here.



