‘I’m sorry I’m crying…this is so unlike me. This has just never happened before.’
Those were the words I said to a fellow mom today. I didn’t know her. I just knew it was her children on the raft that my son Cooper was swimming out too.
Then I said…
‘My son. His name is Cooper. He is swimming out to play with your boys. Your husband invited him but he didn’t respond.
See he’s autistic and doesn’t speak. And I get nervous that your boys won’t understand him.’

I went onto say that ‘My husband is swimming out there too. To tell them about him.’
She smiled. And told me not to worry. ‘It will be great,’ she said.
I walked back to where I could see.
Of course she couldn’t understand how huge this was. Twelve years. That’s how long I waited for this exact moment.
I watched my yellow haired boy swimming out. I watched his dad swimming behind him. And I tried to listen.

I heard a greeting. I heard him ask how old they were.
I heard small talk about baseball and football and hockey.
And then…’this is my boy Cooper. He has autism. Do you know anyone with autism?’
I held my breath. And felt relief as I watched my other son Sawyer cannon ball into the group. The protector. And Cooper roll into the center of the raft taking his place.

And I felt every emotion. Many contradictory. But isn’t that just the nature of life? Everything and all at once.
I watched for 25 minutes as they played. I could tell that Cooper didn’t quite understand the games they played but it didn’t matter. I could tell he was just so happy to be included. And in the middle of their chaos.

Near but far. That’s how I describe him. And our autism life.
It’s funny how something so seemingly simple will be a core memory for me.
And I wonder if my boy Cooper taught these boys something. I’ll never know I guess.
As Sawyer and Cooper swam back, two brothers, side by side, I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding.
And a glimpse of what could have been flashed before my eyes.
The tears were happy. I promise.
Finding Cooper’s Voice is a safe, humorous, caring and honest place where you can celebrate the unique challenges of parenting a special needs child. Because you’re never alone in the struggles you face. And once you find your people, your allies, your village….all the challenges and struggles will seem just a little bit easier. Welcome to our journey. You can also follow us on Facebook.
The post Invited to Play: ‘Do You Know Anyone With Autism?’ appeared first on Finding Cooper’s Voice | Welcome to the Secret World of Autism.
This content was originally published here.