Making Moves – The Autism Helper

Moving to a new home can be a huge challenge. There are so many things to consider when moving especially when there is an autistic child involved. I needed to consider the safety of the home and the surrounding area. I checked  to see if  there were any bodies of water nearby; including  private swimming pools. I looked to see the proximity of parks since this could possibly be a point of elopement. I also looked at streets that may have a lot of through traffic. We looked at many homes before deciding on the right one for us.

Another thing to think about was  how my daughter might feel in a new home. Most children take a little time to get use to their new surroundings. This would be a strange place for her at first.  Children with autism thrive on a consistent routine and the unknown can sometimes cause an adverse effect. It’s also common for children to seek areas in the home that bring peace and comfort. I thought about potential areas in the new house that Ady would enjoy and that I could make extra inviting for her. She had particular window spaces that she enjoyed sitting at and looking out of and a play area in the yard she would retreat to. I wasn’t quite sure how she would react to a new space with different surroundings.

Prior to our move one of the ideas that her behavioral support team had was to develop a social story that she could look at to help her gain an understanding of what would be happening. This was comforting to me as a parent because I worried that it would be such a drastic change for her. Prior to the move, she was in the same home her entire life. This worked well for Ady. She had a day or two where there seemed to be a little confusion getting off the school bus, but overall she has transitioned to the new house with barely any issues.

The response was amazing. Neighbors stopped by to meet us and we talk to them on our family walks frequently. They can spot Ady right away. I’m really glad that I thought of the idea and I hope other families can benefit from me sharing the idea.

This content was originally published here.



