The Autism Dad

If work and all the other adult responsibilities are keeping you away from having quality time with your child, you have reached the right place. It is not just about planning a day out but taking action.

This blog is a sign for you to take that action!

In this excerpt below, we will be discussing one of the best activities you can enjoy with your child or children today. No, it is not binging their favorite cartoon or going to an outdoor park and picnic. We will be discussing an activity that is quite mellow and, most importantly, can be done even after a long office day.

Yes, we are talking about a peaceful hour of reading!

Diving into the best fantasies and stories of gnomes and woodland creatures. Moving to a far and strange land will make your child happy and act as a great stress reliever for you!

Creating The Perfect Setting For Your Reading Endeavors

Simply taking the physical copy and reading the story is not enough. Why stop for less when you can help your child dive into the vibrant world by creating the perfect setting?

1. Pick The Right Book

Children’s reading as an activity is not just a pastime for their boredom. Rather, it is also about teaching them the morals of the modern world through these stories. Therefore, you should look for childrens literature, which hones interest among the little ones through their adventurous narration and fantastic illusions. At the same time, they also possess out-of-the-box thinking, which helps children learn through these tales.

2. Pick The Right Time

Children do move around a strict circadian, and messing it up all of a sudden can hamper their schedule. Depending on the day you are reading this article, if it is a weekday, begin your reading journey two hours before bedtime. However, if it is a weekend, a little late night wouldn’t hurt. You also have to manage to finish your work and return home within the time frame.

3. Pick The Right Place

If the place motivates some literary exploration, no amount of boredom can stop them. Therefore, it is very important that you set up a scene that attracts your child to the activity. Here is how you can do that:

Find A Cozy Corner

This could be the corner of your bedroom, your bed, or a sitting window sill.

Make It Cozier With Cushions

Add children-themed cushions and blankets that you own across the area.

Stack Up The Books

Make them understand the activity you are about to dive in. Stack up their favorite children’s literature so far, or you can even get some new ones. If this is a last-minute plan, go to the official Merry Perry website to get the best children’s literature virtual copy today.

Add Some Beautiful Lighting

It is not an adventure when you read with the white light on. Why not get some warm-tone fairy lights or even move the study lamp from the table?

Add Some Fun Elements

If you want to make this reading adventure super fun, you can even create a tent with bed sheets. Building the fort can also be a fun activity prior to reading, which will be indulging for your children.

Or, if you do not have the energy for it, you can always shift a tent with your comforter and read underneath the covers with a flashlight on, especially if it is a particularly spooky adventure since Halloween month is approaching.

4. Allow Them A Choice

Yes, we understand you want to spend some quality time with your child. However, do not hoist the plan on them out of nowhere. Yes, if your baby is between the ages of 2-5, it is difficult to understand “what plans” they might have priority.

But with their cognitive mind still under development, mood shifting is not very uncommon. This is when you wouldn’t want to force them into the activity if they aren’t willing. This might create an aversion to reading for the rest of their childhood journey at worst.

This is why you should introduce the idea beforehand and get their verdict on it. For example, whether they would be willing to pick their own children’s literature to read from.

This is a contributed post.

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This content was originally published here.



