Vacation – The Autism Helper

The concept of vacationing has always been a challenge for our family. As a single parent, it’s a lot of planning and prep for one person and at times can be very overwhelming. I decided over the years to do what feels right. Not to hold back from making memories and experiencing new things with Ady and at the same time keep safety the priority.

My daughter Adalyn was diagnosed with autism and sensory processing disorder at two years of age. She has some words and signs but mostly uses a speech device to communicate.

She has always had a love for water and the ocean. We’ve been able to do beach trips since she was a baby. The challenges when she was younger are still present now. The only difference is that over the years she has been involved in swim lessons and frequent trips to various pools to help her build her strength and endurance in the water. She is a very capable swimmer, but I feel it is necessary to always have eyes on her.

Keeping her safe at busy places like the boardwalk and kids amusement parks are also high anxiety for me, but I knew she enjoyed them so I just did my best to make it happen. Vacations are supposed to be fun and relaxing but in all honesty can be overwhelming when considering all the modifications traveling with a special needs child.

We went year after year to our family beach house  but I would have to take turns between going with just her and then going back for her brother and sister. It was just easier to take turns with them but then we didn’t always have a chance to be together as a family.

When we made it to the beach she would go straight to the water. There was no such thing as digging in the sand and playing on the beach blanket. It’s eyes on Ady and be ready to swim in the ocean water hours at a time and jump waves. We did use floaties when she was younger-just for added safety.

This content was originally published here.



